To Do List template printable free Download:
Here we have very different designs for To-Do List and all the templates that have shared below can print easily. Now you can use any template among these images. However, it usually takes more creativity to obtain the different varieties of To Do List printable templates but you can get it in a few clicks. All the templates are available in very impressive designs and formats.
How to download the To-Do List template?
First, select any To Do List Template Printable and then download it from the page. After that, you can simply take the print out to add all the important tasks. Please note that the placement of each task must be in the order according to priority. You should think about those tasks which are very essential and need to be completed as soon as possible. It’s a very interesting process to priorities the tasks on the list. The most important task should be mentioned at the top of the list. And the order of tasks from up to down shows the importance of the individual work.
Check out this blank and white template in which you can add more than 10 tasks.
To Do List Template Printable

This type of template can be customized to make a plan to complete daily, weekly or monthly tasks. The main benefit of the To-Do List is to plan the major tasks of any event or project. It helps to reduce the wastage of time and along with this, the work efficiency can be increased.
It’s always seen in many cases that to get the best results from any work, the planning must be done before starting the process. And individual work should be divided into some steps. In this way, a person can pay attention to every step of the task. Print the template right now and add all necessary steps. At the end of the planning process, please be sure about all the necessary steps that are important for the task. It means that any step should not be avoided during the process which is mentioned in the list.
To Do List Planner with Checkbox
After adding the crucial task in the To-Do list, start the first step to perform. You should keep one thing in your mind that every step must be performed according to the To-Do List. Do not mix-up the steps together while working on any project.
As we already said that every task is very important for a project and it requires proper attention towards the goal. We always suggest that do the things as per the order which always provides amazing outcomes. In these templates, there is a very cool feature i.e., checkbox. So you can check the box after the accomplishment of the task. It shows the progress of the project and also it is the best way to recognize whether the work is completed or not. Apart from this, you can add some other information like Date, Day, Month or Year into the list just to remember the starting or ending time.
Things To Do Template Format
In this template, the first column is for “Task Titles” and the next column is for the status of the task. You can write either completed or in a process. The third and fourth columns are only to write the start and end date of the task. It can help you in managing the time for every step in the process. Automatically, the work would be completed in the desired period.
Eventually, you can stick this chart on the wall of your home, office or any other place. It must appear to you all the time so that you would give all your attention to it. Some other activities can also distract your mind so please be focused if you want excellent results in return for your hard work.
Weekly To-Do List
This type of template is a little different from all the templates that we have shared above. In this, you will get a unique format and you can assign the task daily. Now there is an option for you where you can write the tasks which you want to complete in just one day. For example, your boss will assign you six different projects and for this, you have a timeline for only six days. Then what will you do, you only need to divide the projects on different days of a week. It will help you to clarify the things and gives you a better understanding of your work. And you will finish your tasks within a given time interval. So here download the weekly to-do list template and it can be used for different purposes.
Also Check – Printable Weekly Schedule Template
To obtain PDF files of the above To Do List Template Printable images, please contact us. If you have any suggestions or feedback about our blog then leave your comment below.